
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Writaz - A Social Network for Writers and Book Bloggers

Hmmm... a social networking site dedicated to authors and bloggers? I have to check this out! I got the email in my inbox a few days ago. I opened it up and read what it had to say. I was impressed and immediately attracted to it.

"...we have been told by various people that it would be really good to have a social network created for writers, where they can network and share their information, as well as market their books and have a general natter with others.  All of which can be done without the fear of being placed into Facebook jail for a week or a month, simply for being social and networking on a social network.We answered that call and created Writaz! which is a social network created with writers in mind." - Joe Jenkins, Creator of Writaz! & Author

I must admit, that what also attracted me to Writaz! are the owners. I've had the absolute pleasure of working with Sylvia and Joe at Writer Site. At Writer Site, I was able to sign up for the book tours available. I've done reviews, excerpts and interviews. It is a great and easy way for me to help promote authors and their works through my blog. I've always interacted with Sylvia and that has always made the process simpler.

I knew that signing up with Writaz! was going to be beneficial to me, as a book reviewer. It's still in it's early phases but the site looks great. It is user friendly, which is a huge bonus. You get immediate knowledge of when a tour is available for sign up. Oh and the book tour pages where you can sign up are simply attractive. They are colorful, bases on the book cover's colors, and are easy to navigate and sign up.

Just today, I signed up for two book tours with them. One I'll be doing a review on and the other an excerpt. Through Writaz! you can interact with the authors themselves, should you want to.

They also have several other services they offer that definitely pays to be a part of Writaz!. Best of all, as a book blogger it is all for free.

So definitely check it out Writaz! for yourself, sign up and take advantage of what they have and what is yet to come.

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