
Friday, August 16, 2013

Cover Reveal - Love Lost by Maria DeSouza

One of the things I enjoy about books, is looking at their captivating covers. I'm not the judge a book by its cover type of reader but having a good looking cover doesn't hurt.

In my quest to help authors in sharing their work, I am sharing a cover reveal of Love Lost written by Maria DeSouza. Today being the cover release date, Maria has decided to do a giveaway on her author page on Facebook. The giveaway will run from August 16ht - August 23rd. You can like her Facebook page here to enter the giveaway.

Love Lost is Maria's debut novel. Here's a little synopsis on Love Lost, along with the... drum roll please... cover!

Cover Model: Joe Marvullo
Cover Design by: Rochelle McGrath
Photographer, front cover: Jubert Gilay
Synopsis of Love Lost

Love can come into your life in an instant, and leave just as quickly....

Jason Straiz is a New York detective working on a case to bring down a major crime lord.
He keeps his life simple. Work. Family. Friends.
Until he meets Selene.

Selene is a lawyer on a mission.
Her goal is to bring down the monster that has been terrorizing her for years.
When she meets Jason, the attraction is intense. 
When Selene realizes Jason is after the same person she is, he becomes a complication.
When his case and her mission collide, will her secrets destroy a future they could have together?
Can he handle the truth about her?

Can love truly conquer all or is there a limit?

Cover Model: Joe Marvullo
Cover Design by: Rochelle McGrath
Photographer, back cover: David Massa

Love Lost specs:
Release Date: September 30, 2013
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Author: Maria DeSouza 

About Maria:

I am a 31 yr old NJ native, not to be mistaken for the craziness that is the NJ Housewives or Jersey Shore!   I have two children, who are my life and family that makes me want to scream at times, but I love them.    I started my affair with reading and writing at a young age.  I loved where books took me, and wished for the day when I would meet my dream boat.  (Yes, I referred to my future man as a dream boat.  Child of the 80s here!)   I grew up on Stephen King, Nora Roberts, and anything my library would let me borrow.  I would always grab a notebook and start writing about the books I read because I wanted the story to continue.  I never took it seriously until I had a friend a few years ago tell me that I needed to publish my work after I wrote down a short story.  My reaction was…yeah, right!  The words stuck with me and I was constantly asked, “Did you write more? Are you done?”   A back injury put my writing on hold for almost 2 yrs and last year, I found the WIP file and started reading.  Then, I started writing and adding to it.   That little dream turned story will be my debut novel, Love Lost. 

You can find Maria on these different social media sites: 

If you want to know more information on those who helped to make the cover possible, you can find out here:

Cover model Joe Marvullo Facebook page.
Cover designer Rochelle McGrath from Shamrock Cover Designs Facebook page.
Front cover photographer Jubert Gilay Facebook page.
Back cover photographer David Massa Facebook page.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to like Maria's Facebook page to enter the giveaway. 

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