
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Love Spring!

I love that Spring is finally here!

This has been a really long Winter. I've been stateside for 12 years now and still can't get used to the extremely cold weather. I don't always complain because I made the choice to live where I live. However, this Winter has been brutal! For me, at least. I'm an island girl. I grew up in the hot sunshine and cool tradewinds blowing everyday. So, to have experienced as cold a Winter as we had this year was a first for me. Hey, at least I did it, right?

Now that Spring is finally here, I am more than happy. I'm elated! The mornings are still cool but the sun shines on you and warms you up. Everything has new life. New beginnings. A promise of a new day (as cliche as that sounds).

One of my favorite things of Spring and Summer, is that I can now save a bundle on electricity. I installed a clothesline on my deck. Best. Thing. Ever!

Laundry days are the bane of my existence. Well, I exaggerate, cleaning the kitchen is. However, laundry day ranks right up there. BUT crazy as it sounds, I love hanging clothes to dry on the line. So, laundry days are made more bearable when I can use the clothesline. It's therapeutic to me when I hang clothes to dry.

So, here's to good Spring days ahead that allow me to use the clothesline for awesome laundry days!

Day 12 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge.



  1. I can totally relate! So happy Spring is here to open the doors and let the sun shine in! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy your day as well. :-)


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